ENDIA_QC_microbiome data to be deposited for public access. The aim of gathering this data was stool microbiome analysis for quality control, process comparison and background data for the ENDIA study. Original data is 16S (V4 region) rRNA gene sequences from amplicon PCR. Sequences deposited in SRA, BioProject PRJNA393083 Uploaded to Figshare 13 September 2017, as well as this README file, is OTUs.tar and ENDIAQC_JDRF.xlsx Contact for more information: Jocelyn Sietsma Penington or Tony Papenfuss , both of the Bioinformatics Division, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute for Medical Research, Melbourne, Australia ---------------------------------------------------- OTUs.tar, containing: mappingSampleInfoComplete.txt - the metadata and index sequence file in the format required by QIIME WW_otu_table_mc3_allmeta.biom WW_rep_set_nonchim_mc20.tre - OTU table and phylogenetic tree from the WEHI sequences processed as described in: WEHI_16S_methods_Aug2016.txt - text description of OTU generation used for WEHI data. WB_otu_table_mc3_allmeta.biom WB_rep_set_nonchim_mc20.tre - OTU table and phylogenetic tree from the BCM sequences WB_fastq_to_OTU.sh - commands used for WEHI processing of the BCM sequences Wcombined_otu_table_mc20_allmeta.biom Wcombined_rep_set_nonchim_mc20.tre - OTU table and phylogenetic tree from combined anaylsis of WEHI and BCM sequences BCM_StrictMerge.biom silva123_V4.tre BCM_Mapping_SampleSheet.txt - OTU table and phylogenetic tree from BCM analysis of BCM sequences, and the QIIME-format metadata file used for local R analysis. md5_checksumsOTUs.txt ---------------------------------------------------- ENDIAQC_JDRF.xlsx - metadata in Excel spreadsheet according to Combined JDRF Schema - Sheet - FINAL.xlsx ----------------------------------------------------